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National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) is the leading technical institute of higher education of the Russian Federation in the field of Civil Engineering.

MGSU offers a wide range of Bachelor’s, Specialist’s and Master’s degrees and postgraduate programs and provides comprehensive training in the following fields: Industrial, Civil, Hydrotechnical and Energy Engineering, Management, Economics, Computer Science and Engineering, Building Information Modelling (BIM).

MGSU comprises research institutes and centres including fully equipped training and research labs.

Degree Programs in English:

MGSU is pleased to offer a wide range of degree educational programs for foreign students in English.

Bachelor’s Degree Program:
Master’s Degree Programs:

Degree Programs in Russian:

MGSU is pleased to offer a wide range of degree educational programs for foreign students in Russian.

The University currently has 2 Specialist's Degree Programs, 12 Bachelor’s Degree Programs, 8 Master’s Degree Programs in the Industrial and Civil Engineering field and 20 PhD programs.

Tel.: +7 (499)929-50-12
26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, Russia, room 201A

© 14.05.2024 | MGSU
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